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Prayers That Bounce Off The Ceiling

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 05 August 2012
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. IV, Issue 23   Scripture: Psalm 66:16-18

Series: The Spirit of the Ministry and Prayer (Part 4 of 9)

The cellular company Verizon has entertained us on many occasions with its commercial featuring the “Test Man.” You know the funny looking man on the commercials walking around with a cell phone in his hand asking this all-important question, “Can you hear me now?” We have seen him in wheat fields, on mountaintops and various urban areas reciting the aforementioned repetitive question. Verizon has enjoyed great success with this commercial because potential customers and existing ones want reliable cellular service and are willing to pay for it, too, per my research. Consumers are concerned about good reception, fewer dropped calls, and dataflow speed for their communication needs. The same is true of prayer. Metaphorically speaking, when we place a phone call to heaven through prayer, we do not want any interference or hindrance. However, the Bible teaches that there are hindrances to praying effectively. The choir director in Psalm 66:16-18 is concerned with the same issue—prayers prayed that God hears and renders a response. This subject raises a serious question.

What are the hindrances to effective praying? I will provide twelve examples from Scripture and we will begin with the choir director:

  1. Regarding INIQUITY in our hearts (Psalm 66:18) - “Regarding iniquity in the heart is the reason for many unanswered prayers. The writer says, if I had seen iniquity in my heart and encouraged it; if I had pretended to be what I was not; and if I had loved iniquity while I professed to pray and be sorry for my sin, the Lord (Heb. Adonai, my prop, stay, and supporter) would not have heard me. I would have been left without His help and support in my time of trouble.” (Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible)
  1. Praying with the wrong MOTIVES (James 4:3) - “God refuses to grant our petitions when they proceed from evil desires. To pray from wrong motives is not to pray in faith (Romans 14:23; Hebrews 11:6). (The Reformation Study Bible)
  1. When we DISHONOR or DISRESPECT our marriage partner (1 Peter 3:7) - Peter commanded husbands to live in harmony with their wives and to show them honor as coheirs of the grace of life, or to treat them as fellow inheritors of salvation and its privileges. Weaker nature denotes physical weakness and should not be taken to mean that wives are morally or intellectually inferior to their husbands. Husbands are typically stronger physically.
  1. WORRY or ANXIETY affects our prayers (Philippians 4:6) - “But this was not a call to carefree life. To care and be genuinely concerned is one thing. To worry is another. Paul and Timothy cared for the people they ministered to (2 Cor. 11:28; Phil. 2:20), yet they retained trust in God. Jesus warned against worry which obviously eliminates trust in God (Matt. 6:25-33). (The Bible Knowledge Commentary)
  1. Living in HYPROCISY (Luke 18:9-14) - The Pharisee was deluded about prayer, for he prayed with himself and told God (and anybody else listening) how good he was. The Pharisees used prayer as a means of getting public recognition and not as a spiritual exercise to glorify God (Matt. 6:5; 23:14). (The Bible Exposition Commentary)
  1. Having an UNFORGIVING heart hinders prayer (Matthew 6:14-15) - “God forgives those who are truly repentant. True repentance results in a willingness to forgive others.” (Holman Christian Study Bible)
  1. An UNCHARITABLE spirit (or attitude; Proverbs 21:13) - “If we want God to hear our prayers when we are in need, then we must also hear and respond in love to the needs of others (cf. Mat. 25:31-46; Luke 16:19-31; Jas. 2:13). (The Full Life Study Bible)
  1. Possessing a HARD HEART towards God and His Word (Zechariah 7:12-13) - “Disobedience resulted in unanswered prayer, scattering, and desolation.” (Ryrie Study Bible)
  1. Living SINFULLY (Isaiah 59:2) - “Abraham’s physical lineage had not yet experienced the Lord’s deliverance because of the barrier created by their wrongdoing. This is a universal truth applying to all men—sin separates people from God (cf. Ro. 3:23). (The MacArthur Study Bible)
  1. Harboring DOUBT (Matthew 17:19-21) - Doubt stifles biblical faith (see #11 for more)
  1. DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS hinders prayer (James 1:5-8) - “A literal translation of the Greek expression that denotes having one’s mind or soul divided between God and the world. This man is a hypocrite, who occasionally believes in God but fails to trust Him when trials come, and thus receives nothing.” (The MacArthur Study Bible)
  1. FORSAKING the Lord (2 Chronicles 15:2, 14) - To FORSAKE the Lord is break fellowship with Him, which adversely affects one’s prayers.

Reflection - Those who avoid these hindrances to prayer will enjoy a dynamic prayer life and fellowship with God.

Go Deeper (Additional Reading):

1. Andrew Murray, The Believers Prayer Life.

2. Charles G. Finney’s, Answers to Prayer.

3. Clarion Classics, The Kneeling Christian.

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