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Jesus Is Alive

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 31 March 2013
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. V, Issue 7

Scripture: Luke 24:1-12

Sermon Summary

is the first Christian worship music album recorded by Ron Kenoly. The album was recorded live at his then-home church, Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose, California. It was released in 1991 by Integrity/Hosanna Music. The Album includes the title song "Jesus is Alive," which was written by Kenoly, the lyrics are:
Hallelujah Jesus is alive
Death has lost its victory
And the grave has been denied
Jesus lives forever He's alive! He's alive!
He’s the Alpha and Omega
The first and last is he
The curse of sin is broken
And we have perfect liberty
The lamb of God is risen
He's alive, He's alive! Jesus is alive!

Dr. Fred Chay, President, Free Grace Alliance has said it best, "The celebration of Easter Sunday has come and gone but the importance and impact is forever." Both Kenoly and Chay are right in their conclusions. Luke the physician gives his perspective as inspired by the Spirit concerning resurrection morning (Luke 24:1-12) and he starts with:

1. The VACANT tomb, 24:1-3. The first day of the week being Sunday, several of Jesus’ devoted female followers who supported His ministry financially (Luke 8:2, 3) gathered their spices and proceeded to His borrowed tomb to prepare His body properly for burial after observing the Sabbath, which began at sunset on Friday and ended at sunset Saturday. Their commitment to anoint Jesus’ body again with spices would involve an act of faith, for His tomb had been sealed (Matthew 27:62-66). On their way to the tomb, the women were concerned about who would roll the stone away for them to gain access to our Lord (Mark 16:3). Obtaining the help of the Roman guards was probably unlikely. However, to their amazement, they would find the stone already rolled away and the tomb empty. Matthew says that the stone was rolled away because of an earthquake and angelic activity (Matthew 28:2).

2. The VITAL truth, 24:4-8. The women were perplexed regarding the empty tomb. Suddenly two angelic beings appeared and reminded them of Jesus’ sermon concerning His predicted resurrection (Matthew 12:38-40; Luke 9:31; 18:31-34). Well, being facetious here, "at times even Jesus’ disciples didn’t always remember His sermons"; therefore, we pastors should not fret about people not remembering some of ours either. Moreover, the angels asked the women, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" for Jesus has risen! Thus, we serve a risen Savior who has conquered death, hell and the grave (Hosea 13:14; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Revelations 1:18). And as the hymn writer has said,

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon, An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives! Be Enlightened, Encouraged and Equipped! Copyright 2013 JW Henderson Ministries

Chorus Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives!

3. The VERBAL tidings, 24:9-11. Thank God for the faithful women on that victorious morning who would proclaim the wondrous message of Christ’s resurrection. They would report this good news to the apostles, and sadly the apostles would not believe their report. The text says that they viewed their testimony as "nonsense" and dismissed it. We should not be too critical of their response, for how often do we fail to take God at His Word and act on the teachings of Scripture by faith? How many times have we proclaimed the tenants of Scripture but shrink back in disbelief ourselves when the overwhelming circumstances of life manifest and we can see no way out of the dilemma; we sometimes forget that God is able! However, I am thankful that one of the apostles was curious enough to investigate their claim, Peter.

4. The VISUAL test, 24:12. Peter ran to the tomb being inquisitive about their claim and saw for himself the empty tomb. When he saw for himself only the linen cloths in which Jesus had been wrapped (Luke 23:53), he was amazed, but still skeptical. Eventually, Jesus would appear to His frighten and despondent apostles and recommissioned them to spread the gospel message (John 20:19-23; 17:18; Acts 1:8). Edwin Blum writes,

John 20:21-23

Jesus then recommissioned the disciples as His apostles: He was sending them as His representatives, as the Father had sent Him (cf. 17:18). They were sent with His authority to preach, teach, and do miraculous signs (Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:47-49). For their new commission they needed spiritual power. So He breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. The image and wording of breathing on them recalls God's creative work in making Adam (Genesis 2:7). Now this post-Resurrection "breathing" was a new kind of creative work for they would soon become new creations (Ephesians 2:8-10). This reception of the Spirit was in anticipation of the day of Pentecost and should be understood as a partial limited gift of knowledge, understanding, and empowerment until Pentecost, 50 days later. (The Bible Knowledge Commentary)


1. What is the significance of the resurrection of Christ?

2. If Jesus Christ had not risen from the dead then what would it mean for humanity?

3. How would you explain the meaning of Jesus’ death to a nonbeliever?

4. Are you passionately sharing your faith with those who do not know Jesus in the pardon of their sins?

5. When is the last time you personally lead someone to Jesus Christ?

Go Deeper

Additional Reading:

1. J.D. Pentecost, The Words and Works of Jesus Christ.

2. John F. Walvoord, Jesus Christ our Lord.

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