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Standing on the Promises of God

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 06 January 2013
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. V, Issue 1

Scripture: Joshua 14:6-14

Sermon Summary

Our church theme for 2013 is "Storming the Gates of Hell: A Spirit-filled Ministry on the Move" (Matthew 16:18, 19). In Matthew 16:18, 19, Jesus declared that He would build His church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He further asserted that He would also give His church the "Keys to the kingdom." In this passage, "gates" symbolize satanic fortification and strength. Furthermore, "keys" symbolize access and authority. Likewise, as one examines this text more closely, they would notice the words ‘gates’ and ‘keys’ are in the plural. Thus, for every hellish gate there is a corresponding kingdom key to unlock it or take authority through Christ over it. Moreover, in the Old Testament, the gates of a city functioned as the place for legal (Ruth 4:1, 11) and judicial decisions (cf. Deuteronomy 21:19; 22:15; 25:7-10). Similarly, God told Abraham that his seed would possess the gate of their enemies, which was literally fulfilled in the conquest of Canaan (Genesis 22:17). Furthermore, what about the significance of the "keys" that Jesus mentioned? The ‘keys’ can also be viewed as the precepts, patterns, practices and principles of kingdom authority rightly applied by the church against the kingdom [or power] of darkness (Colossian 1:13). Today, let us see how Joshua modeled some of these truths as he stood on the promises of God.

My thesis, Christians can stand firm upon the promises of God. This thesis raises a fundamental question, which is why can Christians stand firmly upon the promises of God? Today’s text provides three reasons.

1. Because God is a promise keeper as witnessed in Caleb’s story regarding the land of Hebron promised him some forty years earlier (Joshua 14:6). General Moses, the Lawgiver, concerning the land of promise (Numbers 13) sent Caleb, Joshua, and ten other Israelite spies on a reconnaissance mission. They were to report the strength of the people possessing the land, the condition of the land, obtain samples from its fruit, and probe the fortifications (Numbers 13:17-20). The spies would return and give their reports. They gave two reports--one that confirmed the Lord’s description of the land as bountiful and the second was one that lacked faith to possess the land, which was an affront to God (Numbers 13:25-27). However, in the reporting there were two exceptions-- Caleb and Joshua (Numbers 13:30; 14:6-9). Their report of faith gained them favor with God and a promised possession (14:24, 30).

When you trust God and stand on His promises that He has made to you, you can rest assure that He will bring them to pass in due season. You must not faint even if the promise tarries. In Joshua 14:6, Caleb is now eighty-five years old and he approaches Joshua who is now leading Israel. He reminds Joshua of the promise given them by Moses on behalf of God for their faithfulness and wholehearted commitment to Him after their reconnaissance mission. This scene is taking place forty-five years after the initial promise (14:10). Two key observations here: first, God has blessed Caleb by keeping him alive for forty-five since the promise; second, he is still strong and ready to take possession of his promise (14:11, 12). What are you saying pastor? Believe God and go get your blessing if it is your time. Caleb did! (Sounds familiar, I borrowed it from the dynamic singing sisters duo Mary, Mary)

2. Because God blesses those who obey and follow Him fully. Caleb refused to be denied what God had promised him for his faithfulness. He was not going to allow any obstacle to prohibit him from experiencing God’s best for his life. Forty-five years prior, Caleb’s portion of the reconnaissance mission involved the hill country of Hebron. At eighty-five, Caleb is saying give me this mountain (or hill country of Hebron). Listen, saints, when God is on your side, move forward regardless of the obstacles. You may have to make some adjustments, but move forward. You may have to cut some unhealthy relationships, but move forward. You may have to cry sometimes, but move forward. You may have to take on some additional responsibilities, but move forward towards your promise. I have failed more often than I have succeeded, but I keep moving forward towards what God has promised me and I refuse to allow the circumstances of life to discourage me from pursuing the mission and vision given me by God. Do not make the mistake that the ten spies made, for they magnified their circumstances above their God. Instead, they should have kept their God magnified above their circumstances (Numbers 13: 31-33).

3. Because God honored Caleb’s faith-filled report concerning Israel’s ability to acquire the land promised by Him. God blessed Caleb and Joshua for their faithfulness. Scripture even records Caleb’s triumph over the sons of Anak, who were huge in stature (Joshua 15:13, 14; Numbers 13:33). Actually, some commentators have linked Goliath of Gath as a distant descendant of the sons of Anak. One final point, God promised the land to Israel (Exodus 3:8). However, they would have to possess (or fight for) it. In essence, they would have to do something in this case to obtain the promise. The inhabitants of the Land of Promise were not going to just roll over and give away their stuff to Israel. The same is true in the temporal things of life, for God will make the provision but you and I must put in the time and hard work and the favor of God does the rest. For example, in the temporal, if we want a certain job then we must position ourselves for it by obtaining the requisite skills and apply. Afterwards, we stand trusting God and His favor for that job or another one until He blesses us. Not to confuse the point, this principle does not apply to our salvation for that is a work of God alone. We appropriate this gift by grace through placing our faith in the redeeming work of Christ at Calvary alone (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

In sum, make sure you have your keys (the precepts, practices, patterns, and principles of God’s Word). Please, do not misplace them as we sometimes do in the natural. Because when it is time to use them, we do not want to be hunting for them and asking everyone, "Have you seen my keys?"


1. Are you prone to give up and take matters into your own hands when God does not appear to be moving fast enough for you?

2. Do you relentlessly stand upon the promises of God no matter how long it takes for fulfillment?

3. Are you continuing to grow in your faith?

4. When is the last time you had a faith challenge and how did you handle it?

Go Deeper

Additional Reading:

1. Ken Hemphill, Kingdom Promises: But God

2. Baker Publishing Group, Promises from God’s Word

3. John Piper, The Purifying Power of the Promises of God

4. Jim Tressel, Life Promises for Success: Promises from God on Achieving Your Best

5. Jennifer Rothschild, Walking by Faith: Lessons Learned in the Dark

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