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The Christian's Duty to God and Man

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 20 January 2013
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. V, Issue 3

Scripture: Matthew 22:15-22

Sermon Summary

This week, many Americans all over this great country will celebrate the life and legacy of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He viewed himself as a "drum major for justice." In conjunction with the MLK celebration, Barack H. Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will have his inaugural for his second term as president. He will take the oath of office upon two historic Bibles once owned by Dr. King and Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of these United States. President Lincoln and his administration would eradicate slavery by ratifying the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in America. Both of these extraordinary men would exemplify exceptional leadership during perilous times in our nation’s history. For Lincoln, it would be the Civil War and for King, the Civil Rights struggle to liberate many disenfranchised African-Americans from the shackles of Jim Crow. Similarly, long before these iconic figures entered history to serve their generations (Acts 13:36), Jesus Christ would serve and affect the world in a monumental way. In addition, he would teach humanity that we all bear a responsibility to each other and obedience to God. Furthermore, He would validate government’s right to taxation and man’s responsibility to submit to its authority in this area. In our chosen text for today, Matthew 22:15-22, let us join Him in dealing with this topic with the Pharisees and Herodians.

1. The Controversy (Matthew 22:15-17).

My thesis is simple, "Christians are to honor government as well as God." God expects us to obey Him and the civil authorities (Deuteronomy 27:10; Romans 13:1, 2). Matthew provides us with the perfect scenario that bears out this truth. In Matthew 22:15, the Pharisees and Herodians conspire to trap Jesus. The chief priests and elders are furious concerning three scathing indictments directed at them by Jesus (i.e., the parable of the Two Sons, Matthew 21:28-32; the parable of the Tenants, Matthew 21:33-46; and the parable of the Wedding Feast, Matthew 22:1-14). Hence, they want payback and they devise a scheme to trap Jesus with His words. Moreover, instead of a direct confrontation, they send their disciples to address Jesus to prevent any suspicion of their deception. These disciples ask Jesus "is it lawful to pay the poll tax to Caesar?"

France writes in the New International Commentary on the New Testament the following: ". . . The poll tax was a direct tax levied on every adult Jew (including women and slaves), and so was a potent symbol of political subjection." Moreover, some twenty-five years earlier, in A.D. 6 Judas of Galilee, a Zealot led a revolt against Rome regarding taxation. If Jesus answers yes, it is right to pay the poll tax to Caesar then He would lose the popular support of the Jewish people. However, if He answers in the negative, the Roman government would charge Him with sedition. The trap would be sprung, and Jesus would be caught and removed from His position of influence and popularity among the Jewish people.

2. The Climax (Matthew 22:18-21).

Jesus is aware of their deceitful scheme and calls them out. He asks, "Why are you testing me, you hypocrites?" The term hypocrite here is close to the modern day meaning, for they (the disciples of Pharisees and Herodians) are acting a part, concealing their true motives under the cloak of respectful religious inquiry. Jesus then asks for a denarius and inquires about whose image is on the coin and they reply, "Caesar." Again, France writes, "A denarius of Tiberius would carry his garlanded portrait surrounded by the inscription ‘Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti Filius Augusts,’ on the reverse would be ‘Pontifex Maximus.’ He is thus proclaimed to be not only son of the divine Augustus, but also a high priest; the two titles together could hardly be more calculated to offend Jewish piety."

Next, Jesus gives a reply that disarmed His antagonist. He says, ". . . Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s." In this statement, Jesus has just validated the government’s right to levy taxes. Since citizens benefit from the services that government provides, they must pay for them through taxation. For instance, the government builds and maintains transportation systems, provides a standing military that protects its citizenry, and other services that its citizens enjoy. Thus, Rome was no exception for its citizens enjoyed the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace. Subsequently, the Roman Empire maintained the peace and the people enjoyed the freedom of movement and commerce. Likewise, Jesus said to "render unto God the "things" that are Be Enlightened, Encouraged and Equipped! Copyright 2013 JW Henderson Ministries

God’s". As Christians, we have the duty to obey and support the work of God. The Christian should render unto God worship, obedience, service, honor and faithful commitment to kingdom work. In addition, Christians are to support the work of God through their giving in three critical areas ― their time, talents and treasures.

Often, our support of the kingdom seems disproportionate to that of what we give to Caesar. Caesar easily receives forty hours a week of our time while our time spent in the service of God is sometimes marginalized. Caesar benefits greatly from our talents after God has blessed many of us with knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through education or some other form of training. Yet, churches sometimes have to plead with its members to serve in ministry. Finally, many of God’s people hoard the treasures that God has given them to manage for self-gratification causing us to be sometimes lax in our financial giving to God and His work. Consider God’s scathing rebuke regarding this issue (Haggai 1:2-9). Accordingly, let us not be inattentive with our giving of the tithe and offering in support of God’s work. Remember what Jesus commanded, "Render unto to Caesar the "things" that are Caesar’s and unto God the "things" that are God’s (Matthew 22:21).

3. The Conclusion (Matthew 22:22).

Jesus’ adversaries were astonished at His wisdom and they ceased their inquiry to conspire another day against Him.

A final thought, God created three institutions: the family, church and civil government. In terms of the last, the primary role of government is to punish evil (Romans 13:1-7). For instance, the government is to deal with evil in all its forms: tyranny in commerce, crime, inhumane treatment of the vulnerable, protection of its citizenry, etc. Thus, the issue then becomes how much government is needed. This subject is another lesson for another day!


1. Are you faithfully involved in a ministry of your church? If not, why?

2. How much time do you spend engaged in the things of God compared to secular activities?

3. Are you a good steward of your time, talents and treasures concerning God and His agenda?

4. Do you consider the tithe as holy unto the Lord? (Leviticus 27:30)

Go Deeper

Additional Reading:

1. Wayne Grudem, Politics According to the Bible

2. Adrian Goldsworthy, How Rome Fell

3. Albert A. Bell, Exploring the New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Jesus and the First Christians

4. J. Dwight Pentecost, The Words and Works of Jesus Christ

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