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Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Good Steward of Talents

KingdomView, Vol. 1, Issue 4

The blockbuster reality show “America’s Got Talent” is aimed at allowing Americans of all ages and acts to showcase their talent with the winner receiving a $1,000,000 cash prize and a hope for stardom. The church has talent too! I am using the word “talent” as a play on words, for “Spiritual Gifts” is the proper term for the church. There is a distinction between the word “talent” and “spiritual gifts.” The former implies a natural ability that can be honed overtime into a marketable skill; and the latter is a supernatural endowment by the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7). I must admit that at times it’s hard to explain the differences between talents and spiritual gifts. For instance, what differences would be seen in a naturally talented teacher, a teacher who has been well trained, and one who has been given the spiritual gift of teaching? In their book, “Understanding Christian Theology,” Drs Charles Swindoll and Roy B. Zuck shed some light on the issue:

Since God has an eternal plan in which believers have been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, it is very plausible to believe that God programmed our genetic code and disposition before we were born and before we were saved. At conversion, the Holy Spirit entered us and caused us to use those talents and skills for the glory of Christ. He also gifted us to have spiritual impact on other believers through our areas of ministry.

In 1 Peter 4:10, the apostle Peter gives us three fundamental truths concerning spiritual gifts:

  1. All believers are GIFTED by God, 1 Peter 4:10a
  2. All believers are gifted to SERVE one another, 1 Peter 4:10b, and finally
  3. All believers are called to be good STEWARDS of their gift(s), 1 Peter 4:10c

The apostle Peter in this letter is exalting the church which is located in four Roman provinces, 1 Peter 1:1. These Christians are facing persecution. The persecution and suffering that Peter referred to in this letter was primarily social and religious rather than legal (state-sanctioned). Peter’s purpose here is to encourage Christians to face persecution so that the true grace of Jesus Christ would be evidenced in them, 1 Peter 5:12. In 1 Peter 4:7-11, he begins to explain how this goal is to be realized through the use of their spiritual gifts.

First, Peter tells them that the end is near and that they should be operating in sound judgment (self-controlled) and be sober minded in prayer, v.7. Second, they were to operate in love because love covers a multitude of sins and be hospitable towards one another without complaint. If these prescriptions for effectively operating in our spiritual gifts are consistently practiced by the people of God, then there would be more harmony in ministry and solid people relationships in the church. Finally, Peter addresses the issue of deploying one’s spiritual gift, 1 Peter 4:11.

We are gifted to serve each other and to glorify God through the operation of our gifts. Don’t allow yourself to be derailed in utilizing your spiritual gift(s) because of people failures (i.e., church hurt). No one wants to experience hurt, especially in the church; however, it does happen. There are tons of gifted saints sitting in the pews Sunday after Sunday who are no longer active in the life of the church because of it—maybe you are one of them. If you abandon using your spiritual gift(s) in the church whether for people’s failures or just plain old apathy, it weakens the church, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26! If I am describing you, then here’s a remedy for the challenge. Resolve to work through the issue(s) with those involved, Matthew 5:23-24.  Afterwards, then reengage in ministry, for you are a vital leak in the chain of your church’s mission and vision success. Remember, you were gifted to be a blessing to the same Body (the church) that Christ died for, Romans 5:8!

Wednesday, Jun 19th @ 7:00pm
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Thursday, Jun 20th @ 8:00am
Wednesday, Jun 26th @ 7:00pm
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Thursday, Jun 27th @ 8:00am

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