Weekly Schedule

9:15am     Sunday School
10:15am   Morning Worship
   6:00pm    Intercessory
 Prayer (before Bible Study)
  12:00pm    Noon Day Bible Study
   7:00pm     Evening Bible Study
               (“Kingdom Life Institute”)

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Celebrate New Life Tabernacle
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Intercessory Prayer

CNLT Intercessory Prayer Ministry Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the CNLT Intercessory Prayer Ministry is to have continual, effectual, fervent prayer and intercession for our Senior Pastor and Family, our church leaders, the church body, communities, cities, states, countries and the entire world.  This dynamic group of prayer warriors meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7:00pm at CNLT in the Timothy Center.

Ministry Description:  There are many ways to love one's neighbor, but intercessory prayer—praying on behalf of other people—has got to be one of the most powerful. Prayer is the most potent force known to humanity. Because we have been made partakers in Jesus' victory over sin and death (1 John 4:4), we have the authority as sons and daughters of God to pray for others, pushing back the darkness of sin and oppression. In prayer, we have a weapon that has "divine power to destroy strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4). 

Ministry Qualifications:  Staff intercessors need to be believers with tremendous spiritual maturity who honor confidentiality and discretion. Intersessors must also know that they have been called by God to intercessory prayer; disciplined in fasting and prayer in their daily lives and be able to demonstrate a spirit of unity and commitment to the prayer team and leaders of the church.
Our Core Prayer Initiatives: At CNLT, we believe that prayer is the mainstay of a Christian's life.  We must be in constant relationship with God through prayer to get the victory over Satan. We are even told to 'pray without ceasing.' As such, during our weekly Intercessory Prayer Meetings, we focus on several Core Prayer Inititaves:

…  Pray for evangelistic fruit (Matthew 28:19)

…  Pray for a filling of the Holy Spirit and a release of spiritual power in the congregation (Acts   1:8)

…  Pray that God will continue to grow the church by adding to our number day by day (Acts 2:47)

…  Pray that our church will be a disciple making church (Matthew 28:16-20)

…  Pray that our spiritual leaders will preach, teach, and live the Word of God without compromise (2 Timothy 4:2-5)

…  Pray that our church will continue to fulfil its life mission in the earth, which is to "Produce Spiritually Productive People For Effective Ministry Through Christ-Centered Teaching And Good Works" (Ephesians 4:11-12)

…  Pray that our church continues to financially prosper in the Lord to support our Mission's ministries and ministry dreams (2 Corinthians 9:6-12)

To find out information about Intercessory Prayer Training, or to learn more about this dynamic minstry, please contact Brother & Sister Carl and Melody Moore.


Wednesday, Nov 6th @ 7:00pm
Kingdom Life Classes
Thursday, Nov 7th @ 8:00am
Wednesday, Nov 13th @ 7:00pm
Kingdom Life Classes
Thursday, Nov 14th @ 8:00am

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